Giving to Daoist Traditions College
If Daoist Traditions has made a difference in your life, consider giving back the gift of harmony and health by making a contribution today. Your support can have a critical impact on countless patients seeking a better path to healing and our students and alumni. Whether you want to gift funds for a scholarship program, sponsor a patient at our College Clinic, or donate funds to support library collections – even the smallest contribution counts.
Library Donations
The DT Library has been fortunate to receive many gifts from alumni, practitioners, and the public. Gifts that enhance the collection are warmly received. Thank you for your generosity.
Please email our librarian at library@daoisttraditions.edu to see if we are able take your items based on the titles, editions, and general condition. If accepted, you can either ship them to the school or arrange a time to drop them off with the librarian. Books/items not added to the collection are donated or sold, with all proceeds going to support the library.
Giving to our affiliate Traditions Acupuncture Foundation (501c3)
Our affiliate, Traditions Acupuncture Foundation (TAF) is a 501c3 non-profit organization which offers provides acupuncture care to the medically underserved, provides educational opportunities for acupuncture students, and supports the growth of the acupuncture profession.
Your financial support helps TAF be able to create programs in the Asheville area that provide Chinese medical care. Your donations to TAF are tax deductible.
Donate to our Scholarship Fund- Click Here
Donate to support all of TAF’s causes- Click Here
Planned Giving
Make a long-term impact and transform the future of Daoist Traditions and Traditions Acupuncture Foundation through your estate plans and will, retirement assets, or life insurance benefits. You can designate your donation to support general operations or direct your gift to a specific project or scholarship. Talk to your financial planner about how to designate Daoist Traditions or Traditions Acupuncture Foundation as a beneficiary. Please contact us to discuss any details to ensure that we fulfill your philanthropic wishes.
Traditions Acupuncture Foundation accepts in-kind gifts that are consistent with its mission and that support it core programs, as well as special projects. Certain types of gifts must be reviewed prior to acceptance due to the special liabilities they may pose for TAF.
Community Engagement
Daoist Traditions is proud to be part of the local community and we are committed to building relationships to improve the health and wellness of the public. There are many ways to stay connected with us. Here are just a few:
Follow us on social media.
Sign up for our email list. Receive announcements about news and happenings at our College and within the Chinese medicine profession.
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